The rap sounds like it's played in a small room from a phone, being recorded with an another phone that's like 2 meters away and also being shaken all the time.
The brass is very overused and sounds really bad imo. Also the beat is very bland, there isn't really any variation. Plus the song lacks really any bass and it sounds so empty.
EDIT: I don't mean that the brass sound itself is bad, I've used it myself. I mean that you overused it in your song. The brass should be used with caution, for example, only once per beat or something like that to supplement your leads, not make your main melody out of it.
The drop is extremely lame, but at least it's better than the first part. Your growls need some work, though they are decent enough. The growls in the second drop though, hgghhh. No thanks.
Overall, 1/5. This is not very original. The point of a remix is to take a song and expand on it, but what you've done here is the exact opposite and downgraded an otherwise decent rap song into something that sounds like it was made by a fourth grader who got their hands in a launchpad. This song sounds incredibly bland and empty, the lyrics hurt my ears, everything is just looping over and over again, there's nothing new added to the table except a shitty brass and some random dubstep growls here and there.