
123 Audio Reviews

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The beginning vibes are amazing, pure bliss 🙏. The main melody that kicks in sounds weirdly a bit out of pitch, and same with a lot of the synths. The buildup to the drop is good. The transition to the drop is a bit lacking, the drop doesn't really hit hard, it just starts. The drop itself has waaayy too much sidechain in it. The sound design overall is really good and fitting though.

Overall, 4.5/5. :)

The synths and melodies are all good. Imo the mixing has too much reverb in it, especially in the drop; it should be tighter and have more high-end.

Overall, 4/5! :)

As someone who has also dabbled in trying Dimrain style, gotta say that you did it better than I ever could. I am not convinced it isn't Dimrain himself made this, it's so accurate. Beautiful work!

kindlight responds:

Thank you very much, no I am not Dimrain47 and Im really glad to read this

This has been one of my favourite songs for a long time, so might as well leave a review now.

If I had to pick an example of a remix to a classical piece that did everything right, this would be it. This takes Moonlight Sonata and adds it's own spin to it, transforming a sad and slow song into an energetic yet still tragic masterpiece. And not only that, this works marvelously as a standalone single piece too. It's just purely freaking amazing.

I love the parts of Beethoven's original that you added a techno spin to, and the original parts, especially the one at 2:03, are absolutely beautiful. I have genuinely never heard a remix quite as good as this one.

My only wish is that you had uploaded the shortened version used in osu! here instead of the album version. While both are an equal blast to listen to, the osu! version works better for rythm games like GD.

Nontheless, this is still an absolute 5/5, no questions asked. Pure masterpiece.

that's some hot BASS

Tagiito responds:

dat bass thiccc

This is pretty damn sick. The drums at the start feels a little too EQ'ed at the start, although once the pads come in to fill low frequencies they fit a lot better. The drop is a bit too loud as it seems to crack / distort a bit, but composition-wise it's great. Overall a great piece! Gives a perfect mood of a 90s futuristic video game :D


OwO I love it

You should add more bass :) Otherwise amazing as always!

I'm sad I didn't find this before, after only a week it's become one of my absolute favourites from you :DD

I make music and YouTube videos and stuff.

HJfod @HJfod

Age 21, Male



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